Bangladesh Documents - Volume Two
The Bangladesh Documents, in two volumes, presents a print version of the genesis of Bangladesh crisis leading up to a War of Liberation for the people of Bangladesh and the world reaction to their tribulation. These documents depict the story of the emergence of the People's Republic of Bangladesh from an exploited province to freedom and sovereignty - the establishment in Dhaka of a duly constituted national government and the beginning of a new era of national reconstruction.
The first volume tells the story of the progress of the Bangladesh crisis up to August 31, 1971. The second volume begins from September 1, 1971 and covers events up to March 1972. The documents are a valuable addition to the published literature on Bangladesh's freedom struggle and hence are of great archival value. The documents would serve as source of information on Bangladesh War of Liberation for researchers and scholars.
- নাম : Bangladesh Documents - Volume Two
- লেখক: শীলেন্দ্র কুমার সিং
- প্রকাশনী: : দি ইউনিভার্সিটি প্রেস লিমিটেড(ইউ পি এল)
- পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যা : 711
- ভাষা : english
- ISBN : 9840514865
- বান্ডিং : hardcover
- প্রথম প্রকাশ: 1999