The Heart of Namaz
The Heart of Namaz takes its readers on a journey through the spiritual realm of the five daily Islamic prayers. The book is divided into three parts: part one focuses on the preparation for namaz; part two deals with the actual namaz itself; and part three discusses how namaz can affect our lives positively. The appendix of the book illustrates, using a few examples, how concepts from The Glorious Qur'an can be applied in our daily lives, even to our innermost mental experiences.
- নাম : The Heart of Namaz
- লেখক: Nabeel Iqbal
- প্রকাশনী: : ওয়ার্থী পাবলিকেশনস
- পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যা : 62
- ভাষা : english
- বান্ডিং : paperback
- প্রথম প্রকাশ: 2023
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